When only a real flame will do, let us provide you with the means to produce safe, spectacular fireballs or columns of fire. We utilize state-of-the-art flame effects devices that are engineered to produce safe, spectacular flame effects time after time.
J&M Displays is proud to offer the latest in state-of-the-art flame effects systems. If your event calls for real fire, from a small campfire to a huge burst of flame high in the sky, we will create it for you.
Types of effects include Pillars of Fire, Fireballs, Flame Bars, Campfires, Urns, Flame Cyclones, burning logos and custom effects. Flame effects systems differ from pyrotechnics in that they use gases, either LP Gas , Methane, Natural Gas, or Butane, for fuel. They are infinitely repeatable during a show and can be precisely controlled.
Our Flame effect systems are certified by an independent listing agency to comply with all current safety standards. In many cities, it is the only system allowed to operate. Our technicians are fully trained and licensed operators of this system with years of road experience.